Faces of Fresh Produce
The fresh fruit and vegetable business is a global community of people. These men and women work in every corner of the world. A project made in collaboration with Fruitnet Media International Group.

Jan Doldersum
Jan Doldersum heads up marketing and business development at Rijk Zwaan, the world's largest independent seed company. It's a leading supplier of top quality vegetable seeds worldwide.
Ebby Loo
Ebby Loo has become a top distributor of fresh berries in Malaysia, sourcing from countries all over the world and almost single-handedly transforming the berry category in South-East Asia.
Ã…smund Bjertnaes
Ã…smund Bjertnaes is one of Norway's leading growers, using innovative ways to build a quality brand in a hightly concentrated food retail market dominated by two major supermarket groups.
Natasha Solano
Natasha Solano's expertise is in fresh logistics, taking her year-round to the Americas and Asia to manage crucial fresh supply chains for a wide range of global fresh produce business.
Andrew van Workum
Andrew van Workum manages New Zealand's largest single supplier of quality apples. He has worked at Mr Apple his entire career, selling to markets all over the world
Barbara Bray
Barbara Bray won a prestigious, two-year Nuffield Fellowship that took her to Asia and the Americas. She now runs her own fresh produce consultancy business. She was awarded the MBE in 2019
Andres Armstrong & Charif Christian Carvajal
Andres Armstrong has headed up Chile's key blueberry industry body since its inception, helping to grow sales of blueberrries all over the world.
Charif Christian Carvajal coordinates Chile's produce marketing campaings in Europe and Asia. For the last year and a half he has been based in Shaghai overseeing promotions in China.
Chang-Hwa Oh
Chang-Hwa Oh presides over his international fresh produce import and distribution business which is now the largest in Korea and on the busiest in Asia.
Céline Kuentz
Céline Kuentz's family business is a top wine producer in Burgundy. It also markets its own patented controlled-atmosphere storage solution to fresh produce growers in Europe and the Americas.

Helen Hao
Helen Hao works in New Zealand and markets high quality fruit grading machinery to customers all over China, the country in which she was born.

Alberto Navajas
Alberto Navajas coordinates global sales in Europe and Asia for one of Chile's largest commercial growers of fresh fruit.
Piet Karsten
Piet Karsten is the largest grower of table grapes in in the Southern Hemisphere. Karsten Farms has expanded from South Africa to cover the world's top growning regions and is a leading supplier to supermarkets worldwide.
Winstone Chee
Winstone Chee heads up fresh fruit and vegetables for Walmart at its China head office in Shenzhen.
Daniel Soares
Daniel Soares is the face of France's fresh fruit and vegetable industry at trade fairs all over the world. He has worked for the country's interprofessional organisation based in Paris for more than 20 years.